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Hormone Replacement

There’s No Such Thing as Over-Reacting When It Comes to Your Health – Know When to Get a Second Opinion

I am a healthy 42 year old woman. I had one child when I was young. I am not overweight, I have no underlying health issues and take no medication. I only go the doctor once per year for my annual checkup and of course my mammogram. I did everything I was supposed to do. […]

There’s No Such Thing as Over-Reacting When It Comes to Your Health – Know When to Get a Second Opinion Read More »

Menopause: How it Impacts You and Your Hormones – BHRT Can Help You!

Declining hormones due to menopause or peri-menopause are responsible for a host of symptoms and life changing issues. The result is like a chain reaction starting with night sweats, weight gain and lack of sleep to dulled libido and depression. When you begin to experience symptoms of low and/or imbalanced hormones it can feel like

Menopause: How it Impacts You and Your Hormones – BHRT Can Help You! Read More »

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women Dealing with Menopause

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Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women Dealing with Menopause Read More »

Andropause: A Man’s Transition Period

Men and women age differently, but age-related hormone fluctuations affect men and women in similar ways. Did you know that men can go through a type of menopause? Labeled “andropause” because it is not as defined as female menopause, male menopause affects a small portion of the aging male population. Andropause shares similar features with

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5 Common Problems with Peri-menopause

5 Common Problems with Peri-menopause   Menopause starts for most women during middle age, but symptoms of age-related hormone changes can start well before the official end of your reproductive years. If you’re in your 30’s or 40’s and already experiencing unusual symptoms, then you may be dealing with peri-menopause. Plenty of changes take place

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