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Low Testosterone Treatments

What is Low Testosterone?

Testosterone is a sex hormone produced by the human body, mostly in men. Testosterone is largely responsible for libido and sperm development for reproduction. It is also a proponent of maintaining bone and muscle mass.

The production of testosterone will decrease over time due to the inevitable aging process. Statistics released by the American Urological Association, most men over the age of 60 have low testosterone. This can lead to a myriad of symptoms, which are often subtle over time and is often accepted as normal signs of aging.

Decreased testosterone, commonly called “low T”, can be properly determined when a blood test that measures the specific level of testosterone is analyzed. The normal range for testosterone average between 300–1000 ng/dL (FDA).

Symptoms of Low-T

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One indicator of low testosterone is a drastic drop in sex drive. Loss of interest in sex can affect personal relationships and ultimately cause anxiety or depression.

Erectile Issues

Libido is the drive and desire to have sex. Increased sex drive causes a physical response by the body in preparation for sex, which is an erection. Erections are achieved and maintained based on proper level of testosterone in the body. Testosterone causes the brain to trigger a series of chemical reactions required for an erection to happen. If a man has noticeable issues with achieving erections before intercourse, low testosterone is likely a factor. 

Muscle Mass

Building and maintaining muscle mass require adequate testosterone to be effective. Noticeable changes in muscle building when testosterone is at a ideal level.

Lack of Energy

Noticeable lack of motivation for physical activities and/or exercise even with sufficient sleep, are signs that testosterone levels could be low. Loss of energy is a key indicator that your testosterone could be below a therapeutic level.

Increased Body Fat

Low testosterone can be a contributor of increased body fat. One way that this can be noticed is with enlarged breast tissue. This is ultimately due to improper levels of testosterone in combination with other sex hormones. Men also store fat deep in the belly area (visceral fat); this fat is very difficult to lose with diet and exercise and can lead to health issues.

Mood Instability

Anxiety, mood swings and inability to stay focused are commonly reported as symptoms when testosterone levels are too low.

Cardio-Vascular Health

“Low endogenous bio-available testosterone levels have been shown to be associated with higher rates of all cause and cardiovascular mortality.  Patients suffering from coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, type II diabetes, and obesity have all been shown to have lower levels of endogenous testosterone compared with those in healthy controls.  In addition, the severity of coronary artery disease and congestive heart failure correlates with the degree of testosterone deficiency.”  AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION:  PUBLISHED IN LIFE EXTENSION MAGAZINE JUNE 2015


As we age, all people have hormone levels that will decline. Men tend to have a more subtle decrease over the years. The only way to know if Testosterone Therapy would benefit you would be to have a specialist run a blood panel specifically testing for the hormones responsible for symptoms that you are experiencing.

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