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Hormone Deficiency and Menopause

Happy middle aged woman, sitting outside, smiling, happy.Hormone Deficiency and Menopause

Women go through significant changes as they age. It may surprise you to learn that you and your mom share some common genetics when it comes to reproductive health. For many women, menopause starts during their 50s, but your individual timeline depends on several factors, the most important of which being when your mother started hers. All things being equal, you’re likely to start menopause within a few years of when your mother did. Genetics alone, however, won’t predict hormone fluctuations. Chemotherapy, ovarian surgery, whether or not you smoke, and even your race all play a part in determining when you’ll go through “the change.”

There’s no way to stop or slow down the onset of menopause. Your current age, birth control and when you started your period have nothing to do with when you start. Over time, your ovaries will stop producing key hormones that are responsible for more than just your sex drive. As a result, you’ll experience a variety of symptoms that can interfere with your daily life. Hormone replacement therapy can remedy the situation.

Common Symptoms of Menopause

How your body reacts to hormone deficiency impacts the symptoms that you experience. Until now, your body has been running like a well-coordinated machine to produce appropriate levels of hormones, which affect how you sleep, work out, have sex and enjoy life. As you age, the signals misfire. Estrogen production slows down, and it can wreak havoc on your entire system. In addition to the loss of your period, common symptoms of menopause include:

  • Hot flashes
  • Excessive sweating
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Painful intercourse
  • Reduced sex drive
  • Mood swings
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Headaches and racing heart

For many years, doctors have recommended synthetic hormone replacement therapy for menopause relief. Some women respond well to these treatments, but you should know that synthetic therapy comes with a wide range of side effects, such as an increased risk for developing breast, cervical or endometrial cancer. Many women are looking for natural alternatives for hormone deficiency. They find it in bio-identical hormone replacement therapy.

Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy

Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy uses soy or yams to produce concentrated doses of hormones. Yams and soy actually produce hormones that are identical to the ones that we produce naturally during youth, which makes them viable options for dealing with hormone deficiency as you age. There are several options for natural hormone replacement therapy, including creams, patches and pills. However, one of the most effective and stress-free methods is pellet therapy.

Our Doctors insert pellets into the fat cells under the skin, usually at the thigh, and the pellets release a continuous dose of hormones as needed into the body. Unlike other methods of HRT, pellet therapy takes the guesswork out of the process. You won’t have to keep up with daily doses, and the average woman requires just a few treatments per year. Hormone replacement therapy has been used in the U.S. since the 1930s. The hormones that are created from yams or soy are FDA approved. Best of all, there are no serious side effects of pellet therapy or natural HRT. These hormones mimic what your body once did naturally, making them an ideal choice for restoring hormonal balance.

Women who pursue natural hormone replacement see significant improvements in their sex drive, emotional well-being and physical issues. Because the pellets release a continuous dose of estrogen as needed, this treatment option is much more effective at evening out your symptoms. If you’re interested in pellet treatments or hormone replacement therapy for menopause relief, then start the discussion with your doctor today.

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