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Hormone Replacement Blog

Pro Probiotics: Could Bacteria Improve Your Health?

Pro Probiotics: Could Bacteria Improve Your Health?

  Could Bacteria Improve Your Health?   With so many health tends out there, it can be tough to separate fact from fiction. One of the latest nutrition crazes sweeping the industry is probiotics. You might have heard high praise for probiotics, which are live bacteria and yeasts designed to clean up your gut, but […]

Not Just for Kids: Adults Need Vaccines, Too

Not Just for Kids: Adults Need Vaccines, Too

If you’re a parent, then you know that your kids need routine vaccines throughout their childhood to protect against specific diseases and illnesses. Did you know that adults need vaccines, too? Aside from an annual flu shot, adults need a series of vaccines as they age to ward off viruses, diseases and deadly illnesses. Not […]

Low-impact Activities for High-impact Calorie Burn

Low-impact Activities for High-impact Calorie Burn

When it comes to physical fitness, your mind may be willing, but your body can protest to the point of holding you back. From weak knees to aching joints, aging bodies keep millions of people stuck in a rut. Instead of letting your sore joints and muscles stand in your way, let them lead the […]

How Much Caffeine Should You Have?

How Much Caffeine Should You Have?

Your daily jolt of java keeps you functioning as you work, drop the kids off at school and hit the gym. Unfortunately, there’s a limit to how much caffeine you should consume each day, and exceeding that limit can negatively impact your health. Caffeine is found naturally in tea, coffee and chocolate, but it’s also […]

Got a Bug Bite? When to See a Doctor

Got a Bug Bite? When to See a Doctor

As the weather heats up for spring and summer, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors. Unfortunately, April showers also bring showers of bugs. From spiders to mosquitoes, these tiny critters can ruin a good picnic and derail your plans for adventure if you let them. You may be tempted to ignore […]

Drink in Moderation: How and Why to Limit Alcohol Consumption

Drink in Moderation: How and Why to Limit Alcohol Consumption

When you go in for a routine physical, your doctor might ask about your social habits, including smoking and drinking. Throwing back a few beers with your friends on the weekend might not sound like a big deal, but a regular pattern of moderate to heavy drinking can negatively impact your overall health, especially if […]

Annual Checkup? The Doctor is Out

Annual Checkup? The Doctor is Out

If you’re like many adults, then you probably schedule a yearly checkup with your doctor. These visits might include a brief physical exam and an interview about how you’re doing, mentally and physically. In the past, medical professionals fully supported the idea of annual wellness visits because they typically helped doctors identify problems early. However, […]

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