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Hormone Replacement Blog

BHRT for Men Dealing With Hormonal Imbalance

BHRT for Men Dealing With Hormonal Imbalance

BHRT For Men Dealing With Hormonal Imbalance    My wife starting going through ‘the change’ two years ago. Needless to say, it changed our lives. We had always had a very close relationship and fought rarely. We were always considered to be ‘that couple’ that other people wanted to mirror. We are married for over […]

Our Hormones and Immune System

Our Hormones and Immune System

As we grow older, our immune system does not work as diligently as it did when we were younger. There have been numerous studies on sex hormones and immune system function. Many factors affect how the immune system functions. Females are more likely to become victims of autoimmune diseases like Multiple Sclerosis, Crohn’s Disease, Lupus, […]

Be Proactive!

Be Proactive!

The average age for menopause in the United States is 51, according to the Mayo Clinic. But menopause can happen to women throughout their 40’s and 50’s, too. However, it is possible for perimenopause to start in the late 30s (early or premature menopause) and early 40’s. The symptoms of menopause vary from woman to […]

The Importance of Estrogen

The Importance of Estrogen

  Estrogen is an essential hormone that maintains the foundation for female vitality and well-being. Estrogen is critical in proper brain function, bone density, and reproduction. Estrogen is also responsible for the stability of many things like heart, brain, bones and metabolism. Too much or not enough estrogen can result in metabolic imbalances and other […]

Menopause – Facts, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Menopause – Facts, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

It’s that time in life when women are taught to dread menopause. Menopause often presents itself in stages;  perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause. Menopause means that you can no longer reproduce. Your body no longer releases an egg at ovulation, allowing for pregnancy. The effect of menopause is different from woman to woman. Some women feel […]

Annie’s 3rd BHRT Implant

Annie’s 3rd BHRT Implant

I am well into my bio-identical hormone replacement journey. I just received my third implant. I find that I forget about where I started; it’s easy to forget how bad things were. This is why my journal is so important. It is important to keep your hormones levels at a therapeutic level for your specific […]

Annie’s Hormone Therapy Update

Annie’s Hormone Therapy Update

Now that it has been 8 weeks since my second implant I went back today to discuss the lab work I had drawn 1 week ago. My symptoms have greatly improved overall. My nurse practitioner explained that several weeks after the second implant is when most symptom relief is noticed. She hit the nail on […]

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