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Annie’s Progress with BHRT

My bio-identical hormone replacement therapy story continues! I just had my second hormone pellet implant. I alternate sides each time that I go, that was a concern of mine since my first side was still tender. I filled out a brief questionnaire about how my symptoms have changed as well as recording my personal feedback. After I was called back to the room the practitioner sat down and compared my current ‘symptoms’ sheet and my last one. The symptoms were improved by over 40%! It’s funny how you tend to forget how badly you feel once you start feeling better! I was in shock! My sleeping has improved greatly, which was amazing. I love waking up feeling more refreshed and focused. I can also get through my fitness routine without wanting to give up.

Aside from more energy and better quality sleep, I have more sex drive which has made a big difference in my marriage. I have more libido and before I was experiencing such dryness. My vagina was dry, my skin was dry and my nails brittle. I have started a walking group with some of my neighbors and we talk about bio-identical hormone replacement majority of the time. Three out of five of the walkers have started the therapy and are already giving such positive feedback. I am amazed that my primary care doctor did not suggest this to me, and mostly disappointed. If they could identify with the misery of hormone imbalance along with the sudden changes in the body, they would be more open to the idea. I have also joined a Facebook page for support that discusses bio-identical hormone replacement specifically. It is a lively group with lots of shared experiences and questions from new members. I enjoy sharing my experience only because next to having my children is the most life changing event I have experienced.

I had given up all hope of feeling vibrant, healthy and even normal ever again. It was so discouraging how I was dismissed by my gynecologist and offered toxic medicine with little to no explanation of risks, side effects and expectation. I have made it my goal to reach out to women as best I can and educate or at least share my story. I am not a medical professional, I have no formal medical training. But I do have a story, a real story to tell others. Sometimes the answers cannot be found within a textbook, sometimes people don’t fit the mold that we are expected to fit. We are all different and we should all be heard, we do have a right to feel better. It is unfair to be discounted just because you are older and experiencing symptoms that are not life threatening. Menopause won’t kill you, but the symptoms can destroy your life, I am not certain how those aren’t equally important to health care providers. I will share my story until I can’t share it anymore! To be continued!

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