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Low Testosterone in Men

Testosterone generally begins to decline once you reach age 30, but it’s a slow decline that you may not be aware of at first.  Every year thereafter, your body produces about 1 percent less testosterone than it did the year before, eventually leading to some unpleasant symptoms that could prevent you from enjoying life as you experienced it in your youth.  Fortunately, you don’t have to live with Low T.  Hormone replacement therapy and lifestyle changes can remedy many of your symptoms, and even address more severe issues you may not be aware of.  If you’re already dealing with symptoms such as mood changes, fatigue or muscle weakness, you’re not alone, and there is help available.

Why Testosterone Matters

Both men and women need testosterone, but it’s a crucial hormone for men in terms of sexual maturity and a host of other bodily functions.  Scientists continue to study the impact of Low T on men’s overall health.  For example, there seems to be a correlation between low testosterone and an increased risk of heart disease, obesity and even certain types of cancer.  In 2015, the American Heart Association (AHA) published findings that stated, “Low endogenous bioavailable testosterone levels have been shown to be associated with higher rates of all cause and cardiovascular-related mortality.”  Because testosterone impacts the fat levels in your body, an imbalance in this hormone could put too much of a strain on your heart, leading to serious issues down the road.  The AHA went on to say, “Testosterone replacement therapy has also been shown to improve the homeostatic model of insulin resistance and hemoglobin A1c in diabetics and to lower the BMI in obese patients.”   You probably know that testosterone affects your sex drive, but it also impacts things that you might take for granted, such as your deep voice or muscle mass development. When your hormones are imbalanced, your whole body can take a hit.

How to Tell If You Have Low T

It’s not always easy to pinpoint low testosterone because aging alone can lead to changes in your mood or physique, but there are some common symptoms associated with Low T.  You might be suffering from hormone imbalance if you experience any or all of the following symptoms:

Increased body fat

Reduced muscle mass

Fragile bones

Hot flashes and fatigue

Decreased metabolism

Breast swelling and loss of body hair

You may associate osteoporosis with women, but men can suffer from this disease as well, and Low T can be a contributing factor.  On a mental and emotional level, you might also experience sadness, anxiety, depression, insomnia or sleep disturbances in conjunction with Low T.  A natural loss of testosterone as you age isn’t always a cause for concern, but if these or other symptoms are interfering with your life, then you may want to pursue treatment options.  Natural hormone replacement therapy has helped many men recover from the effects of Low T.

Replacing Your Hormones Naturally

There’s no cure-all for hormone imbalance, but there are more effective treatment options available today, including natural hormone replacement therapy.  This method uses a bio-identical substitute for testosterone to restore low levels, thereby negating the effects of Low T.  You can try topical gels, skin and mouth patches, implants and injections, all of which are medically safe and reliable ways to combat hormone imbalance when administered properly.  Some reported risks of heart attack and stroke associated with testosterone therapy can be avoided with simple blood tests routinely conducted during replacement therapy.

Keep in mind that just because a treatment plan doesn’t work for you, it doesn’t mean that you can’t find relief through hormone replacement therapy.  Certain types of therapy work differently for different patients.  You can and should discuss options with your doctor for alleviating the symptoms of Low T.

Natural hormone replacement mimics your body’s hormone production, and over time, many men who undergo this treatment report positive outcomes.  Not only do they see improvements in sex drive and erectile function, but they also enjoy more even moods and fewer psychological symptoms.  Proper levels of testosterone also help to prevent medical conditions like diabetes, obesity, heart disease and premature death as supported by the findings of the American Heart Association.

There are a variety of options for remedying symptoms of Low T.  If you’ve been dealing with ongoing symptoms without relief from basic lifestyle changes or over-the-counter medication, then it may be time to talk with your doctor about natural hormone replacement.  You don’t have to live with devastating symptoms, so start the conversation today.

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