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Hormone Replacement Blog

No Quick Fix for Weightloss

No Quick Fix for Weightloss

    When it comes to losing weight, many people are looking for a quick fix to shed pounds. While dozens of fad diets promise fast results, few can help you stick with a healthy figure long term. There’s no quick fix for weight loss because weight gain doesn’t happen overnight. However, there are simple, […]

4 Natural Ways to Fight Seasonal Allergies

4 Natural Ways to Fight Seasonal Allergies

If spring flowers bring you nothing but itchy eyes, a runny nose and a sore throat, then you’re probably familiar with the irritating effects of seasonal allergies. Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis, affects nearly 8 percent of the American population. Worldwide, it’s one of the most common medical problems, affecting between 10 and […]

How to Manage Stress

How to Manage Stress

From getting stuck in traffic to giving a big presentation at work, stress takes shape in a variety of forms. When we’re stressed, our bodies release cortisol, the fight-or-flight hormone. It’s thought that cortisol used to serve a specific purpose in early humans, warning our ancestors of impending danger, like attacks from predators. Absent the […]

Drink Up: Tips for Staying Hydrated

Drink Up: Tips for Staying Hydrated

After a long workout routine, you probably reach for your water bottle without hesitation, but do you guzzle enough H2O on a regular basis? If you’re like most people, the answer is no. Americans are woefully under-hydrated. A CDC survey reported that 7 percent of respondents drank no water at all on a day-to-day basis. […]

Is Sunscreen Worth Applying?

Is Sunscreen Worth Applying?

Over the last 30 years, more people have gotten skin cancer than every other kind of cancer combined. Approximately 3.3 million people in the U.S. are treated for nonmelanoma skin cancer each year, and about 20 percent of Americans will develop the disease at some point in their lives. You might be tempted to limit […]

How Your Hormones Affect Weight Loss

How Your Hormones Affect Weight Loss

Losing or maintaining weight as you age might seem harder than it was when you were in your twenties. That’s because it is. Hormones, which are responsible for a wide range of body processes, including metabolism, can affect your ability to slim down and keep weight off long term. As you get older, hormone production […]

7 Simple Ways for Getting Rid of Belly Fat

7 Simple Ways for Getting Rid of Belly Fat

If you’ve resolved to get in shape and lose some extra weight this year, then you already know that belly fat can stand in the way of your ideal figure. Excess fat around your midsection isn’t just embarrassing. It’s called “visceral” fat, and it can create long-term health problems, from heart disease to type 2 […]

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