Eating Healthy – Hormone Health And Weightloss Hormone Replacement Experts Wed, 11 Mar 2020 15:38:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Be Proactive! Wed, 11 Mar 2020 15:38:40 +0000 The average age for menopause in the United States is 51, according to the Mayo Clinic. But menopause can happen to women throughout their 40’s and 50’s, too. However, it is possible for perimenopause to start in the late 30s (early or premature menopause) and early 40’s. The symptoms of menopause vary from woman to woman. The symptoms range from hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, loss of libido, insomnia, and mood changes. However, some women may experience no symptoms while going through menopause. Menopause is triggered by the lack of estrogen produced by the ovaries. The primary indicator of menopause is an irregular menstrual cycle that eventually becomes non-existent.

Menopause is a reality check that things are changing. The symptoms can remind you of this “change” throughout the day. Keeping an eye on what you eat is essential all the time, but primarily essential through menopause. Maintaining a healthy diet like incorporating vegetables, fruits, and whole grains is vital for the proper function of all of your body systems. If you must drink alcohol, keep it to a minimum, one drink or less per day. Cutting back on caffeine and spicy foods can help with hot flashes in some cases. Also, watching your salt intake can help as well. Staying hydrated is critical for all aspects of good health. Water moves fiber through your body and can also help against hot flashes.

Incorporating calcium in your diet is especially important during menopause. It is recommended that you need about 1,200 milligrams of calcium each day. In addition to calcium supplements, you can find significant calcium in dairy products, kale, fortified cereal, fortified orange juice, soybeans, and fortified soy milk.

Stay active! Try to do at least 30 minutes of cardio exercise a day or a few days a week, at least. Taking your dog for a walk or walking on a trail can help get your heart rate up as well as being easily enjoyed. Make decisions that will help you to be more active, even if it is choosing to park further away from your destination or choosing the stair over the elevator.

Keep in mind that menopause is a process, which typically has an end. Keeping yourself as healthy as possible through the process will help you to feel your best once the worst of menopause has passed. It’s a similar concept to ‘weathering the storm.’ Aging causes the body to take a metabolic slowdown. Weight gain can cause many health issues, from heart conditions to diabetes. Weight gain can also cause depression and low self-image.

Making changes to diet and exercise takes a lot of dedication and motivation. It is not easy; there are many community groups available to surround yourself with positive motivation and support. To stay dedicated to new diet and activity choices, it is a good idea to find others that are active in the same lifestyle choices.

Hold that Hot Dog: 6 Tips for a Healthy Cookout Wed, 07 Jun 2017 17:00:28 +0000 Hold that Hot Dog: 6 Tips for a Healthy Cookout

Processed red meat and salty, greasy side dishes dominate the cookout landscape. From burgers to hot dogs and all the heavy sides that go with them, eating well during the summer can seem like a challenge. Rest assured that you can still host your annual barbecue without serving up a platter of danger foods. Before you fire up the grill for the summer holidays, check out these six tips for transforming your fatty feast into something deliciously nutritious.

#1 – Swap Out Your Proteins

Ditch your regular hot dogs in favor of lighter, more nutritious proteins. Skinless, boneless chicken breasts can be marinated and grilled for full-flavor alternatives to red meat. If you want to keep red meat as the main dish, opt for leaner cuts of steak, such as sirloin, or extra lean ground beef for your burgers. For a completely different approach, try grilling shrimp, salmon and other healthy seafood.

#2 – Bulk Up Your Side Dishes

Regular mayonnaise ruins the nutrition of a perfectly good potato or egg salad. Choose lighter dressing options, or use a vinaigrette instead. For mac and cheese, swap out white pasta for the whole grain version, reduced fat milk for cream, and lighter cheeses, such as Parmesan, for fattier cheddar. Add in extra veggies to your sides as well, or try grilling vegetables on skewers along with your protein.

#3 – Change the Serving Sizes

Get creative when it comes to serving sizes. No one needs a half-pound burger loaded with toppings, but a slider or mini hamburger is the perfect size for most. You could also make kabobs instead, which are both fun to eat and less heavy on the stomach. Dice vegetables into dippable chunks, served with a lighter dressing or homemade sauce of course, and use smaller plates to encourage more mindful eating.

#4 – Mix Up Your Marinades

Pay attention to the dressings or homemade sauces that you use to marinate your proteins. Store-bought vinaigrettes can be loaded with sugar and salt, and some varieties use artificial colors or flavors. Keep your marinades simple by choosing whole ingredients whenever possible. And on that note, skip the butter when you’re grilling. No one will miss it with the right seasonings.

#5 – Don’t Drink Your Calories

Drinking soda or sweetened drinks can eat up your calories, and since the weather is warmer, you’re more likely to drink too many calorie-laden beverages over the course of a cookout. Instead of serving the usual cooler full of soft drinks, set out naturally flavored sparkling water, unsweetened tea with lemon or oranges, and freshly squeezed fruit juice that’s been lightly sweetened.

#6 – End on a Lighter Sweet Note

You might be tempted to whip up an apple pie or banana pudding for dessert, but there’s no need to indulge in baked goods when fruit can satisfy your sweet tooth. Summer offers the perfect chance to serve cold fruit salads and lighter fare since more produce is in season and readily available. For a fun twist on a classic, grill watermelon or peaches and drizzle with honey.


Healthy Eating on the Go – How to Eat Well on Vacation Mon, 05 Jun 2017 17:00:26 +0000 Healthy Eating on the Go – How to Eat Well on Vacation

The rules don’t apply on vacation, right? Unfortunately, calories, fat, carbs and sugar still count whether you’re at home or on the beach. It’s easy to fall into the trap of eating poorly when you’re taking a much-needed vacation, but proper planning can help you avoid gaining weight and ruining your diet. If you’re traveling this summer and looking for tips on how to maintain good nutrition on the go, then here are a few ideas for keeping it light while you’re away.

Plan Ahead and Pack Light

Whether you’re driving, flying or cruising to a new locale, stuff your travel bags with nutritious goodies. Having an abundance of healthy snacks at hand will keep you from stopping at a convenience store and loading up on sugary or overly salty treats. Pick foods that pack a nutritious punch: nuts, homemade trail mix or granola, fresh fruits and vegetables, and yogurt or string cheese if you have a cooler handy. On the same note, scope out the local grocery stores where you’ll be staying. Before you check in to the hotel, stop and grab some nutritious snacks and breakfast items that will fit into the mini-fridge. They’ll satisfy your snacking pangs so you can indulge elsewhere.

Eat Local

Choose local, well-reviewed establishments when you go out to eat. Part of the fun of traveling is eating local cuisines, especially if they’re entirely unlike what you normally eat. Explore new dishes that have been prepared by experienced hands. Local restaurants tend to use fresher produce and locally sourced proteins, and you’re more likely to find healthier options if you eat at local places. If you’re staying in a remote area, then stock up on good proteins and produce before you travel so that you can use your cabin’s kitchen or outdoor grill to whip up your own meals.

Fill Up at Breakfast

Eating a balanced breakfast is one of the best ways to maintain your diet. You’re less likely to make poor food decisions if you start the day off with plenty of fiber and protein. If you’re stuck with the hotel hot breakfast buffet, choose oatmeal or whole grain toast over donuts and bagels. Ask if the staff can make you an egg white omelet loaded with vegetables. Better decisions at the start of your day translate into better decisions throughout.

Indulge in Moderation

It’s vacation, so go ahead and splurge. Just make sure to do it in moderation, preferably with your travel companions nearby. Splitting larger orders of decadent foods can help satisfy your curiosity – and your cravings – without taking on too many calories, fat or sugar. Choose the most nutritious versions of the foods you want to try. When that’s not possible, go ahead and live a little. If you satisfy your sweet or salty tooth with local flavors in moderation, you’ll feel better psychologically. Plus, eating well throughout your trip will give you some leeway in splurging when it counts. You can eat well on vacation if you plan ahead and make good decisions.


How Much Caffeine Should You Have? Wed, 03 May 2017 17:05:59 +0000 How Much Caffeine Should You Have?Your daily jolt of java keeps you functioning as you work, drop the kids off at school and hit the gym. Unfortunately, there’s a limit to how much caffeine you should consume each day, and exceeding that limit can negatively impact your health. Caffeine is found naturally in tea, coffee and chocolate, but it’s also an added ingredient in sodas and energy drinks. The more you consume, the higher your chances are of developing problems. How much caffeine should you have each day? The answer depends on you.

Healthy Daily Dose

Caffeine energizes most people, it’s safe in moderation and it offers positive health benefits when consumed as part of a nutritious diet. Healthy adults can consume up to about 400 milligrams of caffeine per day. That equates to:

  • About 10, 12-oz. cans of cola
  • Slightly over five shots of espresso
  • Four cups of brewed black coffee
  • Two shot-style energy drinks

The amount of caffeine in certain foods and beverages isn’t standard, so read labels carefully if you want to get a better idea of how much you’re drinking. You should also limit how much caffeine you drink in one sitting. For healthy adults, you can drink up to 200 mg of caffeine at once if you’re exercising right after.

Too Much for Some

The above guidelines are for healthy men and women. People with medical problems and risk factors, children and pregnant women should limit or avoid caffeine altogether. Even some otherwise healthy adults find that small amounts of caffeine cause unpleasant symptoms, such as a racing or erratic heartbeat, chills, a shaky feeling or diarrhea. Here are a few guidelines for limiting caffeine intake:

  • Children under 12 should not consume caffeine regularly.
  • Starting at age 4, children can have small amounts of caffeine, around 45 mg per day, but parents should avoid making caffeine a daily part of their child’s diet.
  • Between ages 13 and 18, teenagers can have up to about 100 mg per day of caffeine.
  • Diabetics, people with heart conditions and pregnant women can safely consume up to about 200 mg of caffeine per day, but people in these groups should try to avoid caffeine if possible.

There’s no research linking caffeine consumption with increased risk for people with heart problems, such as arrhythmia or heart disease, but because caffeine is a stimulant that increases the heart rate, it’s best to limit caffeine if you have heart problems. You’re actually less likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you consume caffeine regularly, but if you already have type 2 diabetes, then you should limit caffeine intake to avoid damaging glucose metabolism.

For some, any amount of caffeine should be avoided if it causes side effects. These can include migraines and headaches, restlessness, irritability, insomnia, muscle tremors and frequent urination, among others. If you drink a lot of coffee or eat too much chocolate, try cutting back to see if it improves your symptoms. Otherwise, discuss with your doctor an appropriate amount of caffeine to avoid long-term problems.



Enjoy a Healthier, Happier Smile Wed, 22 Mar 2017 15:22:47 +0000 If you suffer from dry mouth, sensitive teeth and other dental problems, then you may attribute these conditions to aging, and you may be right. Adults over the age of 65 are more likely to experience a wide range of dental issues, from sensitivity to cavities. This is partly due to fluctuating hormones, partly from concurrent medical problems, like diabetes or heart disease, and partly from increased medications. Your teeth are not a renewable resource, but there are ways to protect them as you age so that you can enjoy a healthier, happier smile for years to come.


Routine Preventive Care
The best way to protect your teeth and gums is to take care of them before there’s a problem. Dental problems not only hurt your teeth and your overall health, but they’re also expensive. Total mouth reconstruction can cost at least $45,000, but even smaller procedures, such as oral surgery to remove decayed teeth, might cost a couple grand or more. Here are a few preventive measures that you can take at home to avoid costly issues:

  • Brush after each meal or twice a day, and floss once a day. The best time to floss is at night after you’ve brushed your teeth.
  • Avoid eating right before bed, or right before or after you brush your teeth. Allowing time between brushing and eating will boost the effectiveness of the cleaning.
  • Include fluoridated tap water in your diet. Purified drinking water doesn’t have fluoride, and fluoridated water has been ranked as one of the top 10 public health achievements of the 21st century. If you can’t or don’t want to drink your local tap water, then use a toothpaste with fluoride as it prevents tooth decay.

The American Dental Association or ADA recommends twice-annual visits for preventive care. During a semi-annual checkup, your dentist or a hygienist will check and clean your teeth, go over your current and past medical history, and recommend follow-up care to improve your oral health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that just 62 percent of adults over 65 see a dentist for preventive care. Routine oral checkups can identify problems early, so don’t skip those visits to the dentist.

A Healthy, Nutritious Diet
Dental health affects your overall health and vice versa. What you eat impacts the chances of developing tooth decay and gingivitis, among other dental problems. You probably know that sugary foods and drinks can damage your teeth, but did you know that candy and soda aren’t the only tooth decay culprits? Avoid foods that contain:

  • Added sugars
  • Phosphoric or citrus acids, which wear down enamel
  • Anything that dries out your mouth

Drying agents can include alcohol and medication. If your prescriptions are creating dry mouth problems, then talk to your doctor about options for protecting your teeth. To help offset the negative effects of certain foods, the ADA recommends drinking more water, eating sugary foods with meals, chewing sugarless gum between meals instead of snacking, and maintaining good oral hygiene.



How Your Hormones Affect Weight Loss Fri, 03 Mar 2017 14:00:01 +0000 Losing or maintaining weight as you age might seem harder than it was when you were in your twenties. That’s because it is. Hormones, which are responsible for a wide range of body processes, including metabolism, can affect your ability to slim down and keep weight off long term. As you get older, hormone production can slow down and become erratic, leading to a host of physical and emotional changes. If you’re suffering from hormone imbalance, then you may benefit from natural hormone replacements in the form of pellet therapy. Getting your hormones balanced again might help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Major Culprits
When we talk about hormone imbalance, we’re talking about a varied number of hormones that play critical roles in how your body responds to food and exercise. Here are some of the key players in your body’s hormone lineup:

  • Leptin – responsible for appetite control
  • Cortisol – fat storage, brought on by stress
  • Estrogen – essential sex hormone for women
  • Testosterone – essential sex hormone for men
  • Thyroid hormones – responsible for metabolism

Too much leptin or cortisol can lead to excess fat storage. Thyroid problems, such as cancer or hypothyroidism, can make it impossible for people to lose weight. Estrogen and testosterone are typically the major culprits when it comes to age-related hormone imbalance.

The older men get, the less testosterone they produce. Likewise, women produce different amounts of estrogen naturally as they age. When these essential sex hormones, which are responsible for much more than just libido, get out of balance, the body responds in different ways. For some, changes are mild. But plenty of men and women suffer from problems related to hormone imbalance, including weight gain, bloating, irritability and mood swings.

Age or Hormones – Does It Matter?
You might be wondering if it matters whether your weight gain or inability to lose weight is due to age or hormones. The short answer is yes, it does. It might be harder to lose weight and maintain your figure as you age, but it’s not impossible with extra effort. If you’re spending a lot of time, energy and money trying to slim down without success, however, then there may be an underlying cause that can be addressed through different therapy methods. Start by tracking your energy levels, how hungry you feel throughout the day, what and how much you eat, whether you have food cravings, and your exercise regimen. Using an app for this purpose can help you lose more weight while offering insight into problem areas.

If you’re getting enough sleep, eating well and exercising, but you still can’t seem to shed the weight, then you may be dealing with a hormone problem. Fortunately, there are options for getting back on track without resorting to diet pills or gimmicks.

Balancing Your Body
Diet and exercise can be enough for many people to lose weight, but hormones play a vital role in long-term success. Bio-identical hormone replacement treatments, such as pellet therapy, are uniquely tailored to the individual needs of people who need relief from hormone imbalance. If you’ve been trying to lose weight without success, then your hormones may be to blame. Talk with your doctor about hormone replacement therapy to see if it’s a good fit for you. Balancing your hormones could encourage long-term weight loss.


7 Simple Ways for Getting Rid of Belly Fat Thu, 02 Mar 2017 14:50:16 +0000 Woman with light purple shirt pulled up above her belly, in a pair of jeans that are too big for her, lost weight.If you’ve resolved to get in shape and lose some extra weight this year, then you already know that belly fat can stand in the way of your ideal figure. Excess fat around your midsection isn’t just embarrassing. It’s called “visceral” fat, and it can create long-term health problems, from heart disease to type 2 diabetes. Visceral fat forms for a lot of reasons, so there are several things you can do to slim down and eliminate belly fat. Here are eight simple ways to trim your figure.

#1 – Put Good In
Your body needs a wide range of nutrients, such as healthy fat and fiber, to function effectively. Getting more fiber will not only help you stay full between meals, but it will also keep everything running smoothly so that you don’t feel bloated. Healthy fats, like avocados and nuts, generate more subcutaneous fat, which is essential for pushing the bad fat out of your body.

#2 – Ditch the Sweets
Processed, refined sugar is one of the greatest contributors to weight gain and excess belly fat. If you’re a soda drinker, try switching to carbonated water without added sweeteners. Diet soda can be an even bigger problem since it triggers your brain to expect sugar without following through on delivery. You then crave more sweets, leading to weight gain. Cut down on refined and processed sugars to see progress on your waistline.

#3 – Get Moving
People who exercise regularly burn more fat and calories over time. Find an activity that you enjoy, or sign up for a new class at your local gym. Cardio combined with strength training will help you tone down and lose weight more quickly, and establishing a set routine can help you keep the weight off long term. Shoot for 30 minutes to an hour of exercise every day of the week.

#4 – Calm Down
If you’re stressed, find ways to relax. Stress can increase body fat because it jumpstarts the creation of cortisol, which tells your body to start storing abdominal fat. It also makes you hungrier. Practice yoga, go for calming walks in the park or take up a new hobby that helps you relax. Anything that you can do to bring more balance into your life will make you happier and help you shed extra weight.

#5 – Make Substitutions
Swap out bad fats, like saturated oils and trans fatty foods, for good ones, such as coconut oil, olive oil and fresh fish. Ditch fruit drinks and sodas altogether in favor of more water. Instead of eating refined carbs, like white bread, swap out some of your carbs for the whole grain variety. Small changes over time will encourage you to eat better.

#6 – Rest Up
Getting the right amount of sleep is essential to helping you maintain your weight. When you sleep well, you’re more likely to make better food and lifestyle choices, such as taking a walk instead of binge-watching the latest show on Netflix. Practice good sleep habits to enhance your weight loss goals.
Woman measuring her stomach with a measuring tape.
#7 – Track Your Progress
One of the best ways to stay on target when you’re losing weight is tracking your progress. Studies have shown that keeping track of your goals helps people stay accountable, which in turn helps them lose more weight. You can download several free apps to your smartphone to track your progress and see your belly fat disappear.

#8 – Try a New Routine
There’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to trimming belly fat. Try a combination of methods and eating plans to see which one suits your lifestyle and goals. Mixing things up every so often can also keep you interested, which will keep you on track. Shedding excess belly fat isn’t easy, but it’s doable with hard work and diligence.


